Vladimir Nikolsky


Vladimir is one of the most successful top managers in the gaming industry. With 20 years of leadership experience, starting from the position of CEO of an independent game development studio, which, under his leadership, evolved into My.Games — the largest gaming corporation in Russia and Europe with an annual turnover of $500 million.

During this time, Vladimir has gained experience in creating and managing projects of any complexity, including complex AAA-class multiplayer games with audiences in the millions. Under Vladimir's management from 2004 to 2024, over 100 successful titles were released.

Vladimir's successful investment strategy has led to the creation of a gaming holding company without analogs in Russia. His key competencies include evaluating the investment attractiveness of projects and a deep understanding of the global market and leading players. His unique expertise in gaming mechanics of any genre, audience metrics, and game monetization makes Vladimir a particularly valuable member of any professional team.


Head of Legal

Photos has vast experience as a lawyer and legal advisor, with over 25 years of experience in litigation and corporate law.

Photos’ areas of expertise include Commercial, Corporate, Company and Tax law, with a focus on International Tax Planning, International Trusts, and Merger & Acquisitions.
His legal counsel extends across sectors and industries, including  international trade and professional services. He has played a pivotal role in numerous high-profile projects, such as mergers & acquisitions, brand partnerships, and large-scale commercial agreements, representing the interests of both local and European clients. Notably, he has achieved significant victories for his prestigious clients in major claims before the European courts.